
Name: Zhenhong Wei

Gender: Male

Job title: Professor

Email Address: weizh@celdas.net

Education and Work Experience

2006/9 - 2009/7, Soochow University, Inorganic Chemistry, Doctor

2001/9 - 2004/7, Soochow University, Inorganic Chemistry, Master

1997/9 - 2001/7, Anhui Normal University, Chemical Education, Bachelor

Work Experience:

2015/7 - 2017/7, Postdoctoral Fellow, Southeast University

2009/7 - present, Nanchang University, School of Chemistry, Professor

2004/7 - 2006/7, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, Assistant Professor

TeachingInorganic Chemistry

Research fields: Organic-inorganic hybrid functional molecules

Research projects

  1. National Regional Science Foundation Project, 21865015, Controllable Construction of Novel Pendulum-type Molear-based Ferroelectric Compounds, 2019/1/1-2022/12/31, 400,000 yuan, presided.

  2. National Natural Science Foundation of China Regional Project, 21661021, Chiral Amine Lead Halide Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Calcium Ore Type Molecular Ferroelectric and Ferroelectric Photovoltaic, 2017/01-2020/12, 450,000 yuan, presided.

  3. Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation Project, 20161BAB203073, Synthesis of Ordered-Inorganic Hybrid Molecular-based Phase Change Ferroelectric Materials and Their Optical, Electrical and Thermal Properties, 2016/01-2018/12, 50,000 yuan, presided.

  4. National Natural Science Foundation of China, 21571094, Research on Coordination Polymers Constructed by Organic Nitrogen Light Base Compounds and Their Functional Properties, 2016/01-2019/12, 750,000 yuan, second participant.

  5. National Natural Science Foundation of China Regional Project, 21365015, Research on DNA methyltransferase activity analysis method and selection of anti-pain drugs, 2014/01-2017/12, 500,000 yuan, second participant.

Awards and Honors

Representative papers and patents

  1. Wei, Zhenhong; Liao, W.-Q.; Tang, Y.-Y.; Li, P.-F.; Shi, P.-P.; Cai, H.; Xiong, R.-G., Discovery of an Antiperovskite Ferroelectric in (CH3)3NH 3(MnBr3)(MnBr4). Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, DO1: 10.1021/jacs.8b05037.

  2. Zhang, H.-Y.; Wei, Zhenhong(共同一) Li, P.-F.: Tang, Y.-Y.; Liao, W.-Q.: Ye, H.-Y.; Cai, H.; Xiong, R.-G. The Narrowest Band Gap Ever Observed in Molecular Ferroelectrics: Hexane-1,6-diammoniumPentaiodobismuth(ll). Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2018, 57 (2), 526-530.

  3. Yu, H. Wei, Zhenhong*; Hao, Y.; Liang, Z.; Fu, Z; Cai, H.* Reversible solid-state thermochromism of a 2Dorganic-inorganic hybrid perovskite structure based on iodoplumbate and 2-aminomethyl-pyridine. New Journal of Chemistry 2017. 41(18), 9586-9589.

  4. Hao, Y.: Wang, J.: Wei, Zhenhong*: Yu, H.: Ca, H.* The influence of stoichiometry on the structure and fluorescence of two organic inorganic hybrid complexes incorporating of 2-(2-aminoethy)-1-methylpyrrolidineand lead iodide. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2017, 256, 184-188.

  5. Wei, Zhenhong*; Zhang, W.: Luo, G.; Xu, F; Mei, Y; Ca, H Carboxylation of N-heterocyclic carbenes with carbon dioxide and their tantalum complexes with high oxidation. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 2016, 808,104-108.

  6. Wei, Zhenhong*; Zhang, W.; Luo, G; Xu, F; Mei, Y; Cai, H., Mono- and bis-N-heterocyclic carbene complexes of tantalum and niobium with high oxidation states. New Journal of Chemistry 2016, 40 (7), 6270-6275