
Name: Jinhua Wang

Gender: Male

Job title: professor

Email Address: jinhuawang@celdas.net

Education and Work Experience

2023.08 -- present: School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University, Professor

2019.11~2023.07: Weizmann Institute of Science, post-doc fellow

2015.09~2019.11: Université de Bordeaux, PhD

2012.09~2015.06: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, master

2007.09~2011.06: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, bachelor


Research fields:

Supramolecular chemistry, organic functional materials, self-assembly of organic compounds and nano-objects.

Research projects

Awards and Honors

PBC Fellowship 2020

Representative papers and patents

  1. Jinhua Wang, Tzuf Shay Peled, and Rafal Klajn*; Photocleavable Anionic Glues for Light-Responsive Nanoparticle Aggregates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 4098-4108.

  2. Jinhua Wang, Liat Avram, Yael Diskin-Posner, Michał J. Białek, Wojciech Stawski, Moran Feller, Rafal Klajn*; Altering the Properties of Spiropyran Switches using Coordination Cages with Different Symmetries. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 21244-21254.

  3. Jinhua Wang, Barbara Wicher, Alejandro Mendez-Ardoy, Xuesong Li, Gilles Pecastaings, Thierry Buffeteau, Dario M. Bassani, Victor Maurizot, Ivan Huc*; Loading Linear Arrays of CuII inside Aromatic Amide Helices. Angew. Chem. Int. ed. 立博, 60, 18461-18466 (cover picture).

  4. Jinhua Wang, Barbara Wicher, Victor Maurizot, Ivan Huc*; Directing the Self-Assembly of Aromatic Foldamer Helices using Acridine Appendages and Metal Coordination. Chem. Eur. J. 2022, e202201345.

  5. Jinhua Wang, Barbara Wicher, Victor Maurizot*, Ivan Huc*; Oligo-Quinolylene-Vinylene Foldamers. Chem. Eur. J. 立博, 27, 1031-1038 (hot paper).

  6. Jin-Hua Wang, Hai-Tao Feng, Yan-Song Zheng*; Synthesis of Tetraphenylethylene Pillar[6]arenes and the Selective Fast Quenching of Their AIE Fluorescence by TNT. Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 11407-11410.

  7. Jin-Hua Wang, Hai-Tao Feng, Jun Luo, Yan-Song Zheng*; Monomer Emission and Aggregate Emission of an Imidazolium Macrocycle Based on Bridged Tetraphenylethylene and Their Quenching by C60. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 79, 5746−5751.